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HomeInternetLatest Internet NewsThings You Should Not Do When Using for Internet Marketing

Things You Should Not Do When Using for Internet Marketing

Twitter has become one of the most efficient ways of keeping more and more people updated with your internet marketing business. There are a lot of internet marketers who have already utilized Twitter in promoting their online businesses. If you want to compete with other people who have also ventured into the same business, you might as well use Twitter too in promoting your products online.

I have seen many articles and information about the things that you should do when it comes to using Twitter for internet marketing. It is important to know what steps you have to take and which methods you have to maximize this social networking site’s potential truly. Although, apart from knowing what you should do, it is also important to know about what you should especially when it comes to running a business online.

Yes, Twitter has greatly contributed to the internet marketing industry. It has evolved into becoming a venue for providing updates easily. Allow me to share some of the common mistakes I have seen among other internet marketers. Hopefully, this will enable you to avoid the things you should note regarding using Twitter for internet marketing.


1. Do not Tweet every single event in your daily life. This is one common mistake for a lot of internet marketers. They generate tweets almost every hour. Twitter can be a casual way of promoting your business. Still, you have to keep in mind that if you are using this social networking site as a venue for your internet marketing business, you also have to exude an aura of professionalism. Keep your Tweets related to your business. This way, the followers of your Twitter account will know that the updates that they will be getting from you are relevant to your internet marketing business. Other people might get annoyed if you tweet every single hour of the day. Hey, I might lose interest because of this. So, do not overuse the power of Tweet. Do not think that frequently posting tweets will make you stand out from all other internet marketers. Or maybe it will, but not necessarily in a positive way.

2. Do not just tweet about your affiliate links or the website of your business. You could use Twitter to provide a whole lot of other vital information. Yes, it would be a great way of keeping people aware of where they could find your website. Apart from this, use it also to provide the latest news and updates related to what you are selling.

For example, if you are selling a product for losing weight, you might want to update the latest diet or exercise routine. You can provide supplementary information to establish your credibility and authority when it comes to the niche you chose for your business. You can even tweet about some famous people or celebrities who are also using the same product to establish how good your product is. Just make sure that any information you will share with your followers is reliable, informative, and useful.


If you provide them with useful information, they would most likely keep on following your tweets because they know that they will come across answers to their queries or other things to help them in their daily lives. This way, you will also establish a good business relationship with your followers, which you might not achieve if you just tweet about affiliate links and URLs.

3. Do not be careless with your profile pictures. Remember that with internet marketing, you do not get to meet your customers in person, so they will only get to know more about you through the things they can access through the internet. Other people use product images for a profile picture. Yes, it could contribute to the popularity of your product but what you have to focus on is establishing yourself as a reliable and trustworthy internet marketer. You might not be able to introduce yourself well via your Twitter account if people only get to see the pictures of the products. Allow them to get to know you better by providing a good profile photo. On the other hand, choose the photo which you will place as your profile picture. Ensure that it will contribute to establishing your credibility as a person who is doing a serious online business. Do not ruin your image and reputation by posting the wrong picture.

4. Choose your words well when posting tweets. Keep your tweets mature, professional and classy. Do not ruin your reputation by using profanity. Make your tweets polite. Do not use profanity to make your tweets interesting. It is a horrible way to go. Tweets allow you to use only a limited number of characters, so use it well.

Internet marketing

5. Do not leave your Twitter account not updated. If it is damaging for your online business to tweet about all the things you do in a day, it is also detrimental not to update your Twitter account. People would lose their interest in you and your business, and this is something you do not want to happen when you are doing internet marketing.

These are some of the things you should not do when you choose Twitter for your internet marketing business. Hopefully, this will shed light on the things that you should avoid. This way, you would not jeopardize your reputation as an internet marketer and the credibility of your online business. You would also be able to maximize the potential of Twitter to contribute to the success of your internet marketing business.

Irving Frazier
Irving Frazier
Future teen idol. Devoted communicator. Typical student. General analyst. Alcohol expert.Earned praise for training inflatable dolls in Deltona, FL. Was quite successful at building Virgin Mary figurines in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Had moderate success testing the market for saliva in Washington, DC. Earned praised for my work testing the market for basketballs in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Earned praised for my work importing teddy bears in Gainesville, FL. Spent the better part of the 90's developing shaving cream in Jacksonville, FL.

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